Fork in the Road |
My decision involved two towns - Yarrowsburg and Wye Mills. I know, I know…..Wye Mills begins with the letter “W.” However, the word “Wye” sounds like the letter “Y” and pronounced like the word “why.” Although Yarrowsburg fit my tiny town criteria (population 141) and is historically significant, no buildings, structures, events, or food choices of note were available. Ultimately, I made the decision to write about Wye Mills.
However, I would like to recognize Yarrowsburg as the sole area in Washington County named for an African-American - Polly Yarrow. Polly was a highly regarded 19th-century midwife living nearby. If you are interested in reading more about Polly and her family, James H. Johnson’s book From Slave Ship to Harvard is the true story of the six generations of an African-American family in Maryland, which is actually about Polly’s father-in-law - Yarrow Mamout. In this book, Mr. Johnson traces Yarrow’s family from the colonial period and the American Revolution, through the Civil War, to Harvard, and finally today.
My route to Wye Mills was short
– less than 45 minutes. Located on the Maryland’s Eastern Shore, Wye Mills is an unincorporated town located in Talbot County situated just 20 feet above sea level! It is home to 400 people who continually keep a strong sense of the town’s past alive.
The town of Wye Mills evolved from a mill town that supplied General George Washington’s troops at Valley Forge with ground wheat during the American Revolution. How did Wye Mills get its name? The name originated from the two grist mills and one sawmill originally located at this crossroads between Talbot and Queen Anne’s counties (only one grist mill now stands.) In 1706, Queen Anne’s County was formed out of Talbot and Kent Counties, and the existing grist mill served as a primary survey point on the dividing line between
Wye Grist Mill Marker |
I arrived in Wye Mills eager to work on my “To See” list. Within a few minutes, I saw the Old Wye Church. Since 1721,
Old Wye Church |
The Church was extensively renovated in 1854, and in 1947, restoration efforts began again with a service of rededication taking place on 13 July 1949. Because of vestry notes from 1723 recording how the church appeared when it was built in 1721, more information was available for the Old Wye Church restoration than for any building in historic Colonial Williamsburg!
Hanging Side Pulpit and Box Pews |
I reached the old church and found it to be elegant in its simplicity. This still thriving, nearly 300 year old Episcopal church was very well-maintained. However, before conducting a closer look
Waiting for me was a 5 ½ foot tall wooden Celtic cross. After being mounted on its base,
Celtic Cross |
Walking back towards the church, I was hoping (and praying) it was open. As luck would have it, the door was open, so I went in and looked around. The interior was absolutely beautiful. As with the outside, the inside had that same simple elegance. What instantly caught my eye were the box pews. I had never seen these before and I absolutely loved the hinged doors. However, I realized that some of the
Altar |
Facing each other in a square box pew has the obvious disadvantage that some people have to turn their back on the [clergy], but much the same happens today in a secular context with the round-table seating arrangements we have at award ceremonies and business conferences, so perhaps it was not too disruptive. Nevertheless it incurred the displeasure of the Victorian church reformers, for all the obvious reasons.
The Old Wye Church is of the Georgian era (1714-1830)
– a time when they used box pews.
The Victorian era
(1837-1901) followed and it appears box pews were no longer desirable, hence
the use of benches in present day churches.
Looking around, I saw the spectacular Royal Arms located on the front of the gallery. These Arms are made of carved oak, are the church’s original, and were enormous! Additionally, the Old Wye Church followed the custom for the Royal Arms to be located at the west end of the church over the west door. Without a doubt, the Old Wye Church’s very presence
exclusively to tradition.
The next stop on my list was to visit the historic
site Wye Mills was named for – the Wye Grist Mill (history of the mill can be
found here and here.) The Wye Mill is the oldest surviving grist
mill on the Eastern Shore, is Maryland’s oldest commercial structure in
continuous use, and is the oldest
continuously operating water powered grist mill in the United
States. Box Pews and Royal Arms |
Looking around, I saw the spectacular Royal Arms located on the front of the gallery. These Arms are made of carved oak, are the church’s original, and were enormous! Additionally, the Old Wye Church followed the custom for the Royal Arms to be located at the west end of the church over the west door. Without a doubt, the Old Wye Church’s very presence
Old Wye Church Royal Arms |
Wye Mill |
The mill was not operating nor was it open for touring – I was just a couple of months too early. It is open from mid-May through mid-November. There are also specific grinding days, as well. However, there were a couple of other displays on the mill property to see. One of the displays
Turbines |
Pair of Wye Mill's Burrstones |
Another interesting display on the mill’s property was a replica of a typical Colonial-era “corn crib.”
Corn Crib |
[This corn crib] was built as an Eagle Scout project in 2012 by Scott Bell. It includes material reclaimed from a Colonial-era corn crib located on Kent Island, and is representative of what may have been used here at Wye Mill. The granite blocks on which it rests are thought to be ballast from a 17th or 18th [century] sailing vessel. The wide boards on the ends of the crib are typical of the work done by 18th and 19th century water-powered saw mills such as the one that was in operation on this site from the late 1700's until 1875.
Saving the best for last on the property, I walked over to the Wye Mill. As I stood looking at the impressive structure and thinking of its historical significance, two things filled my mind –admiration and awe.
Wye Mill Water Wheel |
The museum shows three different ways to grind corn. The first way may have been an American Paleoindian approach. You have two rocks,
Wye Mill Water Wheel |
From the mill, I wandered over to the Miller’s House located a few hundred feet away.
Miller's House |
Now, I would like to talk about a unique food item that has been a classic Mid-Atlantic tradition stemming back to the plantation era. Am I talking about the Maryland Blue Crab? No. Natty Boh beer? Again, no. I am talking about the beaten biscuit. Unfortunately, these biscuits are no longer commercially produced. However, I would like to describe how they were made. The cardiovascular workout experienced during the preparation of these biscuits is well-known.
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Beaten Biscuits |

I mention the beaten biscuit, because Wye Mills holds the distinct honor of once housing the world’s only commercial source of beaten biscuits in Maryland - Orrell’s Maryland Beaten Biscuits. Founded in 1935 by Ruth Orrell, this business became a way to earn extra money in order to send her son, Dick Orrell, to college. She made the beaten biscuits out of her kitchen and her husband, Herman Orrell Jr., delivered the biscuits to customers on his milk route. Over time, Orrell’s biscuits became so popular they were making more than 10,000 of the little gems per week. In 1960, Ruth was
Former Location of Orrell's Maryland Beaten Biscuits |
I read these beaten biscuits did not go "stale." Instead they "dry up," which was a 10 day process. Even then the biscuits were said to have several culinary lives left. They could be pulverized in a food processor and put in a meatloaf, or used as breading for pork chops or chicken. You could even make pancakes by mixing a cup of the ground-up biscuit crumbs with an egg, milk, oil and baking powder. Apparently, they were very good.
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Courtesy of Pinterest |
Speaking of biscuits, I was hungry for lunch. However, Wye Mills is not known for their commerce. The one store the town had is now a residence. Knowing this, I thought to pack a lunch and decided to head over to Wye Landing so I could eat by the water. Wye Landing is a public boat launch for access to
Wye Landing |
Much as I would have loved to spend all afternoon at the landing, I needed to continue working on my "To See" list.
Schoolhouse |
Inside of Schoolhouse |
The schoolhouse is not the only item of interest in this park - it sits in quiet memory next to an area where a giant once stood. The giant I am referring to is The Wye Oak, which was declared Maryland’s honorary State tree in 1941. This tree was the largest White Oak in the United States. Sprouting in the 1500s, it was more than 460 years old, measured 31 feet, 8 inches in circumference, was 96 feet tall, and had a crown spread of 119 feet covering nearly 1/3 acre.
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Postcard of the Wye Oak |
Per wiki article:
Upon its falling, immediate efforts were made to salvage and preserve the tree's remains. Pieces of the tree that had fallen in previous years had been used to sculpt works such as the statue of two children planting a tree located in the Tawes State Office Building in Annapolis. A very large section of the lost tree became a new desk for the Maryland governor's office. Wood was also distributed to some 40 artists and craftspersons who have used the tree's remains to create carvings, sculptures, oil paintings, a 3-dimensional collage, furnishings, and serving pieces.
Remember I mentioned the Celtic cross at the Old Wye Church? Here is a very interesting article about the history and the dedication of this cross. The Wye Oak will definitely not be forgotten!
In 2012, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) began offering the Wye Oak’s descendent seedlings for purchase.
Pavilion with Section of Wye Oak |
The Wye Oak State Park has a beautiful pavilion, which memorializes the Wye Oak. The marquee is located behind the area the massive
Section of Wye Oak |
Tragic as this loss was for many Marylanders, all is not forgotten.
Wye Oak Sapling |
With my “To See” list complete, I decided to get
back on the road to drive home. My visit
to Wye Mills was an unexpected pleasure.
Just as in Robert Frost’s poem,
I chose “The Road Not Taken” when deciding which of two towns to write about,
and I found my choice to be a very good decision.
It made all the difference…….Double Crested Cormorants |